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The main mission of the CzechMed association is to defend the common interests of its members. Below are the services provided, broken down by membership.


Associate membership

Observation. Limited to 1 year.


Legislative monitoring

Media monitoring


Membership discount for CzM events

Participation in CzM meetings  (2x year)

(general meeting, meeting of members)


Active suffrage (1 vote)

Fixing the Car

Basic basic

Service. I want to move in the environment and understand it.

Legislative monitoring

Media monitoring


Membership discount on CzechMed events

Participation in CzM meetings (2x year)

(general meeting, meeting of members)


Active suffrage (2  votes)

Passive suffrage

(possibility to be elected to the board of directors)

Help line

(counseling for members in matters of ZP legislation)

Participation in working groups

Participation in the comment procedure

Participation in special projects

Car Sketch

Premium membership

Creative. I want to shape the environment.

Legislative monitoring

Media monitoring


Membership discount on CzechMed events

Participation in CM meetings (2x year)

(general meeting, meeting of members)

Active suffrage (3  votes)


Passive suffrage

(possibility to be elected to the board of directors)

Help line

(counseling for members in matters of ZP legislation)

Participation in working groups

Participation in the comment procedure

Participation in special projects

Member of the Steering Group a  decision making CzM

Possible member of the CzM delegation  with stakeholders and MedTech Europe

CzM support in member negotiations

CzM media support

CzM discount for partner services

CZK 250,000 / year
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