CzechMed's priority is to contribute to the cultivation of the medical devices market on the Czech market. It develops targeted activities mainly in these areas - legislation, economics, innovation, ethics, safety and quality. You can find a more detailed opinion on individual topics below.
Vnímáme problematiku veřejných nákupů v širších souvislostech. Záleží nám na kvalitě používaných zdravotnických prostředků. PROMÍTNĚME KVALITU DO NÁKUPU ZDRAVOTNICKÝCH PROSTŘEDKŮ. Přispíváme k udržitelnosti moderní péče. Usilujeme o transparentní nákupní proces. Jsme partnerem poskytovatelům péče v procesu plánování veřejných zakázek. Poskytujeme předběžnou tržní konzultaci. Usilujeme o nastavení transparentní metodiky nákupu dle principů Best Value Approach (VBA), která zohlední kvalitativní aspekty péče. Chci se stát členem projektu IKNZ.
We perceive the issue of public procurement in a broader context. We care about the quality of the tools used. We contribute to the sustainability of modern care. We strive for a transparent purchasing process. We are a partner to care providers in the public procurement planning process. We provide preliminary market consultation. We strive to set up a transparent purchasing methodology according to principles of Best Value Approach (VBA), which takes into account the qualitative aspects of care. I want to become a member of the HOSPITAL working group.
MDR is a new regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2017/745 , on medical devices. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, efficiency has shifted to 2021. MDR and related regulations and ISO standards bring, for example, new requirements for a risk management system, technical documentation or clinical trials of medical devices. It also introduces the so-called unique device identification system (UDI), p new administrative and registration obligations. I want to become a member of working group 2.
Amendment to Act No. 48/1997 Coll. We participate significantly in the current form of the amendment to the law. We are members of the categorization commission of the Ministry of healthcare in the Czech Republic. We are monitoring the practical implementation of the amendment into Czech practice. We provide advice to CzechMed members. We have published a brief guide for clinical practitioners. We offer training to external partners and representatives of the professional community in the field of practical implementation. I want to become a member of the AMBULANCE working group.
We strive for greater availability of innovative medical solutions to patients. We have initiated the creation of a communication platform where experts from various medical specialties can meet regularly with representatives of the Ministry of Health and health insurance companies and openly share experiences from the development and implementation of innovative solutions. We believe that open communication will manage practical pitfalls more effectively and to everyone's satisfaction. I want to become a member of the INNOVATION working group.
We strive for prevention, affordable and paid modern care in the area of pressure ulcers. It is proven that expensive care can be effectively prevented by preventive measures and the use of modern medical devices. In cooperation with professional workplaces, we have prepared an educational project, by which we provide comprehensive support to care providers. It is mainly about sharing standards of care, recommended procedures, monitoring indicators, training and a long-term support team. I am interested in participating in the DEKUBITY project.